I have to go with swum on this one, a 19 y.o. self-medicating / using weed recreationally is a profoundly bad way to deal with mental health issues. To be fair, you wrote "she speaks all over California and the west on mental health issues and knows different things help different people with the same diagnosis"…
What has your experience been with doctors, on what do you base your opinion? As someone who has worked at a medical school for the past 15 years I would posit that your statement "most people become doctors...." is bullshit. Even the most altruistic doctor has to deal with billing/scheduling/insurance, so I argue…
I can't even...What...How?
Please explain, is this something that appeared on Fox13 *today*?
THIS is the pro move, for sure. It lets the first car go, often sneaking through before stranglers make it to the middle of the crosswalk, and you don't slow down the second car. Like walking on sideways and navigating subway car exit/entrance it's all about the flow. Well played.
I don't know if they think she's funny or not, but if you think that all comics that appear in movies together think that each of their fellow comics is (are?) funny I think you're wrong, they usually do movies for money, not for buddybuddyfuntimes. You think AS is funny, I think her act was old after about a month,…
No, they collaborate because they know her and have worked out of the comedy cellar for years and they all do work with comedy central, but aside from that your statement makes total sense.
Oh, wait, the best: "You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show" wins.
"35" , "and you wear a bow tie" = OWNED.
The internet thanks you for your insightful contribution.
AWWW so the fucking tool that posts CUNT WHORE FAGGOT constantly is now playing the 'hey guys people died' card.
I don't think you understand the definition of the word 'obsessed' , which is not surprising since you're clearly a fucking idiot. I just enjoy pointing out that you are a completely pathetic excuse for a human being, and I would LOVE for your mother or grandmother to read the stupid shit you seem to enjoy posting…
yes! He freaking stares down the ball at the very end of the clip, that did it for me.
So you sat down, read this, and then bothered to take the time to write "fucking whore. fuck this slut little cunt." Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you that as a human being, this is what you do? Do you have no family or something? Traumatic brain injury?
ooohhh! look out! look out! Tough guy alert. Oh wait, I mean pathetic idiot alert that has to post all this idiotic 'cunt pussy faggot whore' stuff online to keep at bay the awareness of how large of a fucking loser he is. Again, make your mother proud, Billy.
Posts the idiot who gave a fuck enough to write a post about it. If you weren't such an idiot you might understand the absurdity of your comment.
wow, you managed to make an even lazier and stupid post than your others.
and so it continues.
Whoa, thanks for the HOT TAKE, your comment really adds some needed insight on this thread. Keep up the good work, and raise a toast to whatever general region churned out your family. Which would be where, exactly, anyway?