Marshall Henderson Applewhite

Yea, you're just as I figured: lazy. You're pretty easy to peg.

I find it highly unlikely your mother is proud of you. Answer me this, are you a juvenile troll that gets off calling people cunt online, like a nine year old that just learned a bad word, or are you serious when you post shit like this over and over? Its amazing how stupid, lazy and ignorant you seem. Truly amazing.

so, target lonely pathetic guys like you instead? Noted.

Your mother must be so proud of you. Sadly you're not even that great of a troll, more like a lazy one.

so.....snowbluff is pathetic troll OR pathetic person? Both? I'm going with both.

It's not difficult to express basic interest without sounding like a complete sociopath. The fact that this needs to be addressed is completely insane. Millennials!

Not sure what there was to 'get' about your comment. Spell it out for us?

But wait, the NFL is a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION! (he posted extremely, extremely sarcastically)

I do respect what your point is, really , I was more just making a joke, but, duly noted.

Did you seriously just use 'World Cup' in reference to your earlier sentence wherein you referenced 'integrity'? That right there shatters any credibility you may have had.

Did you seriously just use "World Cup" in reference to your earlier sentence wherein you referenced "integrity"? That right there shatters any credibility you may have had.

Did you seriously just use "World Cup" in reference to your earlier sentence wherein you referenced "integrity"? That right there shatters any credibility you may have had.

Is it just me or is the fact that there's an 'obsequious' snuck in this rant what really makes it work for me? Obama A$$ Licking Liberal! obsequious!

+1 for the Barry Hannah mention, and you're spot on!

Would you drink as many drinks on a job interview lunch? No? Then you shouldn't do it during this interview either.

Well at least I come away from this story really disliking Wilson, so now I have that going for me. God setting up the drama? So freaking stupid.

I just love his cadence of 'indicative', it's freaking magical.

Your mother must be really proud of the person you've become. Good job by you.

tired is one thing, but playing an NFL game with just 4 days to recover is absurd. Injury party!

I'm not arguing about statistics, I'm calling bullshit on your stupid handwringing