
Boggling at the hypocrisy? Oh, please. “Both sides! What about Robert Byrd! Chappaquidick! Bill Clinton! Liberal media! Why arencha talkin’ about Whitewater! You started it! We’re the Mary, you’re the Rhoda,” blah, blah, blah, blah, ad nauseam.

In the last day or so I saw an article somewhere about women who’d been hassled by Trump supporters. One woman described being catcalled, and telling the catcaller to buzz off because she wasn’t interested. At once he flew into a rage and told her that once Trump was elected, women like her would be forced down on

Yeah, living in a Republican neighborhood and seeing this Jekyll and Hyde thing that happens to your nice neighbors who exchange garden goodies and cookies with you, when they talk about Hillary, or black people, or the Obamas (discovering that people do actually refer to the president and First Lady by nasty,

Scarborough’s a major Trump enabler, and in the early months of the campaign he and Mika were fairly transparently Trump supporters. They’ve taken a little bit of a break lately, but they’re still dancing around the edges, though probably mostly in order to help the GOP hold on to its Congressional majority rather

Years ago when the world was young I had a (married) boss who showed up at my apartment one night, drunk as a lord, eager to relieve me of the burden of not ever having had sex with him. He had been out with some of the other engineers that night, and they’d gotten to talking about me, and he thought he’d just stop by.

There are a lot of people out there whose entire sex education consists of having read the rape scene in Atlas Shrugged when they were sixteen. And they thought it was right sexy. Plus such an insight into What Women Want.

Oh God, gag, ugh. No more. For the love of heaven, no more.

That old lard-stuffed Dreamsicle is so lucky to be played by Gary Cole, an actually good looking and sexy older man. Certainly way better than the vile old tinted fascist deserves.

50 Shades of Gray isn’t running for president? 50 Shades of Gray isn’t besties with Vladimir Putin? 50 Shades of Gray doesn’t have two horrible sons who like to be photographed with mutilated animals?

As I’ve said before: NBC is in this kind of thing up to its eyeballs. Trump—a notorious abuser of women, with several charges of actual rape oozing around in the background—worked for them, is still close to corporate NBC/Comcast including network news chairman Andy Lack, and has received incredibly positive treatment

This dreadful woman, a long time right wing grifter who has rented herself out as a culture warrior on a range of issues from pro-Big Tobacco to anti-choice, was boosted into national prominence by the odious Andrew Sullivan during his brief inglorious reign as editor of The New Republic. We wouldn’t even be hearing

Considering that until surprisingly recently NBC also kind of employed the colossaly abusive Donald Trump himself, and that Trump has clearly maintained close and cordial relationships with network executives like Andy Lack and—until recently, at least—on-air political personalities like Joe Scarborough, Billy seems

The great blessing for the US is that Trump is too witless to be Hitler, while Charles Koch, who is clever enough, has all the charisma of an empty banana peel. We have been spared our own Hitler (so far) by mere luck, rather than whatever it is we imagine American virtue to be.

Scott Baio?

I really hope somebody at the “debate” brings home the two critical realities of this whole crazy moment:

This matters. There were a few Republicans who refused to support the guy before it was safe, some all the way back to the beginning—some of them for pretty decent reasons, others out of more obscure motives, but hey, at least they were on the right side. There are so, so few of them that it actually wouldn’t take a

At least Tic Tac has an answer if anybody asks them why now, instead of back when the fetid old son of a bitch was smearing Mexicans and Muslims, sending his sons on white supremacist radio shows, accepting the support of anti-Semites and Klansmen, etc.

Poor Taylor Swift. First, those creepy alt-right boys, then this guy.

Bobby, you BASTARD. My withered old heart is brimming over with tears.

She’s an outstanding actor and simply gorgeous for anyone of any age, but especially gorgeous for an old broad (and I say this with the utmost respect, being an old broad myself, although considerably less well-preserved).