
So, if ITV Studios are working on it, does that mean it's also a British co-production?

Real nerds will argue that Firefly is more like Outlaw Star.

You're thinking of The Thirteen Ghosts of Scooby Doo.

No. He said he isn't interested.

I like how you said "by the guy who wrote 'Max Steel'" as opposed to the "The writer of Logan and 'Thor: Ragnarok'" like other sites have been saying.

Shouldn't you be reporting about the announced Cowboy Bebop tv series instead of posting this half assed mashup?

But you could have at least tried fitting 40 years of punk into 4 minutes. That would be a little more fitting.

11 Hours? That doesn't sound very punk at all!

So what you're saying is that it is really the result of a get rich quick scheme which and old man is also trying to use as a means of bonding with his son?

All the ladies were too busy talking about Wonder Woman.

You forgot Poland!

There is. It was the third single from Right Said Fred's album, Sex and Travel. Apparently it had something to do with Sonic the Hedgehog.

Is it just me, or were these women less negative about Ghostbusters than they were this film?

Maybe they always call the cook Toad.

But John Oliver wasn't the one saying the N-Word.

Now I'm wishing we had President Ringo Starr instead.

Obviously Twin Peaks takes place in the same universe as Freddy Got Fingered.

Most of their casting probably involves going through pictures of headshots and Lynch responding with "THIS IS THE GIRL"