Darth Mario

I’m slightly disappointed that the arms don’t unfold into four.  


Yeah, the first trilogy are adaptable. I personally think God-Emperor is great, but so much of it is internal, and it’s fundamentally a years-long conversation on the nature of prescience and wouldn’t work outside of novel form.

My killing word is “cruller”.

The pumpkin spice must flow.

This guy does not give a single glorious fuck.

Warren sure has a lot of plans. Does she have one for beating Trump?

Didn’t we learn after the whole “Facebook inflated its video viewership numbers by 900%” debacle that your visitors would actually prefer to read an article and look at pictures and the whole “make everything an autoplay video” wasn’t really what anyone was looking for.

Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.

“wait...are we the baddies?”

Star Wars: The Next Generation”

I am Elon Musk, and I’m here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

Those walkers look very cardboardy in photos.

He was great as Rodney’s son’s best friend in Back to School

I guess there’s a lot to dislike about Elon Musk; at least, the internet seems to think so. But, dang! Has anyone accomplished more than he has, in such diverse industries? This guy has:

Star Wars is so terrible.

How many times do we have to go over this, that’s when Galactus releases all of the energy he’s been collecting, creating a new Big Bang and starting the cycle anew.

Just… why? I love Evil Dead, but what I love about it is Raimi’s unique vision. I don’t want someone else doing their version of that- I want someone else doing their own weird fucking thing. END FRANCHISES.

No it’s not.