Darth Mario

After feeling a little pummeled by RoS’ aggressive pacing, having an extended scene in the Mandalorian where two insouciant scout troopers just slouch and fuck around for an extended scene was a balm.

Mando has, to me anyway, cemented the idea that Star Wars has always worked best as a simple story with adequate time spent on characters. Clear lines between good and evil. Likable characters and great progression. 

It’s also, sadly, enhanced my disappointments with the sequel trilogy because it’s clear that Favreau

I mean, as an out-of-touch big-city liberal, I say good.

As a cynic, I assume they’re doing precisely what they can get away with because Fox networks are quite popular as cable networks go.

They’ll get their money. It’s a presidential election year, and they’ve got rubes to sell bullshit to. The cable companies know


Werner Herzog delivered a line in episode 7 about the New Republic’s struggles, how people were better off during the Empire, etc and after he said it, all I could think of is that is exactly the type thing the movies should have addressed. What happens when the new gov’t struggles? Would people overlook the bad of

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, wrong as they may be. 

Isn’t it Polish for ‘buttercup’?

Henry Cavill is a goddamned handsome son of a bitch.  

I hate sand.

Come on, you always knew it would be.

Ahahahah god damnit this movie is going to be so stupid.

So....early reviews have pretty solidly reinforced my expectations.

This sounds exactly like TLJ: a bunch of random ill conveyed and unearned “events” duct taped together with nostalgia and pretty lights.

As a TLJ hater, I assure you I take no pleasure in this. I want to like Star Wars again... But this whole new trilogy has been poorly handled. It’s not the actors, but the writing, directing, and production decisions are legit bonkers.  So much potential has been wasted.   

Ok Rian Johnson, you made a subpar sci fi movie. The rest of your career is going great just let it goooooooo

Can we stop being trolled by you people ? 

Oh look, Rian Johnson hadn’t read his name on the internet in 10 hours and felt the need to chime in. 

love reading comments on io9, the greatest possible proof that just because you call yourself a nerd does not mean that you are anything but a total dipshit

Great choreography?!?!?! It's worse than the dark Knight. Every guy not currently engaging Rey or kylo is doing pirouettes in the background fighting invisible enemies. It's comedically bad fight choreography.

I think all of the subversion was exactly the problem though. It felt like the movie was trolling, just subverting to subvert. Plus, it kinda shit all over Luke’s character.  An out-of-character moment of “gonna kill my nephew in his sleep” is just dumb.  I mean, the Kylo/Rey fight was cool, but that and the