Darth Mario

There are tons of widely appreciated designs without traditional grilles.

But can a Highlander stupidly open its doors into the ceiling? DIDN’T THINK SO. CHECKMATE.

Maybe you should consider suing Elon for $190M over this incident, like that pedo guy loser who you wanted to steal your freedom of speech? Seriously, it takes a completely surrendered slave-mentality like yours to write an article like this — which gives Tesla free press, BTW, thank you! I hit stupid orange cones all

“We live or die by Clickbait, gentlemen.  Clickbait keeps the lights on and you assholes employed.

Wow... biased much in the news? Bad journalism 101 and you passed with extra points. Leave your depressive feelings aside and stick to the facts.

Anyone could’ve hit that, and it’s not a pylon it’s a cone in the parking lot of the restaurant. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. Someone should take your press pass

Same reason Superman is expected to fight with a massive cape. It’s mostly about aesthetics and fantasy.

Now playing

Except she sampled this, the original by Tom Tom Club, in a big way.

Its now easier to call someone a horse fucker without fear of lawsuits than it is to be ungrayed on kinja.

Came here to say the same. This is utter CYA bullshit. I want to feel sorry for her because Star Wars fans may be even worse than Star Trek fans (and as a Star Trek fan I can speak to this) so pleasing them all was doomed from the beginning, but when she says shit like this...all the criticism seems warranted.

Why can’t we do better?

“Fine people on both sides”

At times it felt like I was watching a cheap “Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman” episode or “Xena”. Is AVClub getting paid to write these raving reviews of the show. Because it’s really not that good, and I expect more from this company/franchise.

Gina Carano can shock my troops whenever she likes. Damn, that’s a whole lotta woman.

To be fair, that episodes was full of Jawa death,  which made it great 

I absolutely loved the first three episodes but I agree, this one was a bit weak.

We called the AT ST the scout walker growing up.

Crazy talk. I could watch him disintegrate Jawas all damn day.

Howard turned it into a Tyrannosaurus! Agreed. It was really well done.

Oh dip! It’s Krillboi!