Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

Must be weird for Interplay...

Many machines on IX . . .

Planet X

This sure is an advertisement for the Joy of Commenting Stupidly

Are you guys working off a flow chart here or something? It’s not a valid point. I wrote about a game that I’ve been playing for several months. One I originally brushed off but then found myself playing all the time. These are the sort of experiences we relay here. It’s what we do.

This sure is a typical BS comment.

‘China is known for building ambitious infrastructure projects in order to artificially prop up their economy and stock market, while simultaneously funneling money into the pockets of contractors and bureaucrats, and not finding humans to populate them after the fact.’

‘China is known for building ambitious infrastructure projects in order to artificially prop up their economy and stock market, and not finding humans to populate them after the fact.’

I know this is a little off topic, but I just wanted to say that you are my favorite author on the Gawker Network. I always love your articles.

RugusuLee makes the funniest Twitter 4komas, starring Kylo (or course) and the iDOLM@STER girls.

Out of everything about the game I dislike, Preston’s constant quest giving is the thing I HATE. EVERY TIME I’m in any settlement I get some recylced quest I don’t want to do forced upon me. Preston is the worst about it because when you complete one he’ll give you another. This is the single worst thing about Fallout

Bethseda Furious — Want Exclusive Rights to Break Their Own Games

My SUPER Italian grandfather used to always yell at me for not calling sauce “gravy.” I got the last laugh, though—he had a heart attack and died in his sleep.


Evolved, not designed. :)

I’ll try.

Depending on who you ask, they don't even exist.