Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

Would you have said the same thing to young Jane Goodall when she was eager to skip past her undergrad and jump straight into real research?

You’re right. I’m taking it personally. But listen...

Right, nothing wrong with grown adults brow-beating a young aspiring scientist into submission. How dare he present his theories?

I’m also from a (poor) small Canadian town. I’m also active in the scientific community. One of the largest barriers to believeing that I could succeed was hearing people laugh when I told them that I could be a respected scientist outside of my community. That shit was painful beyond belief.


I’m just contributing humor.

Sorry, I just can’t help but laugh at this - a high-school kid from Saint-Jean-de-Matha of all places discovering an ancient Mayan city?

“I know it’s not very good when I’m not accepted by critics, but it just helps me advance my research,” the teen told Romney

“Both look like they could kick the hell out of Popplio.”

Not my constitution. There’s plenty in that thing that makes zero sense though. Get on that.

I have no disdain for white guys. I just correctly pointed out that they form the majority of mass shooters. This is one of those cases. Defensive much?

White people are a privileged majority, not an oppressed minority. Your analogy doesn’t hold.

Great question. I have no idea why angry white guys compose the majority of mass shooters. Maybe it has something to do with reality conflicting with their notions of entitlement.

There is no way to stop bad guys from getting guns

We can win by spreading word about their douchebaggery, hopefully causing the wider public to tank the game for them. I assume that was at least part of the intended purpose of the article.

My first thought was “How can we cause these bigots project to tank?”, then I kept reading. Their game looks legitimately terrible. These people suck at their jobs, and that makes me profoundly glad.

So the only thing that can protect us from angry white guys with guns... is more angry white guys with guns?

If anyone through any medium threatens my safety or the safety of those I care about I will regard that threat as valid. It’s not my resonsibility as the victim of that threat to assume otherwise.

Doesn’t matter. As long as there’s pickles and garlic it works.

See my comment above about hornet’s nests, dogma, and the tendency for commenters here to deliberately argue aganst points that nobody has made.