Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro


It’s not, and should not be, the responsibility of the target of threats to assume that those threats aren’t serious. People who make threats want their victims to live in a state of fear. Whether they intend to follow through with those threats is beside the point. Nobody is entitled to force that kind of anxiety

It’s not a fact.

“Really, what good is kindness when you’re in a big battle against monsters?”

Honestly I’d prefer to be hired over shawarma or maybe biryani. Fuck even a decent salad would do. I can’t trust an employer who trusts eaters of burrito bowls. I have standards.

“The only reason to order a burrito bowl is because you’re on a low-carb diet or in the middle of a job interview.”

I know that you and other folks at Kotaku (Stephen, Patricia, Evan and more) have written articles dedicated to exploring topics like this (e.g. the ethics of reporting in your field), but I want to see more! I feel like your comment above was rock solid, and could have been the nucleus for a really engaging article.

culture of normalized misogyny and are attempting to posit that men’s concerns are not being taken as seriously.

I wanted to have a discussion about how useful the quote was. It became obvious pretty quickly that I had stepped in a hornets nest. After that I lost interest in expanding any further. I don’t want to grapple with people I fundamentally agree with over dogma.

Right. Shove more words down my throat. Glad I could provide you with a target for your rage dump.

I’m currently trying my best to convince my partner that I need to spend money on that Shaymin plush.

That doesn’t change the fact that both types of threats must be taken at face value. Are you trying to minimize the seriousness of threats made anonymously?

“Most importantly, and maybe someone can research this, why does the rabid minority have such a persecution complex?”

That’s the thing about threats, we have no idea which ones are credible until someone follows through. By then of course it’s too late to do anything about it. All threats must be taken at face value.

My tiny brain just can’t make the connection between your reporting and the minor inconvenience these guys experienced due to the delay. Nobody owes these people anything.

I definitely didn’t say any of that but okay?


When men behave like violent exploitative predators it’s a part of a broad landscape of misogyny. When women do it something something.

Whoa, what?