Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

Well okay, but I’ve talked enough about your comments. Why not tell me how you feel about mine? This is a reciprocal medium no?


Laughter isn’t the only weapon at a woman’s disposal.

Right. Except women have way more power than that.


Don’t you mean...

Right!? When my birds aren’t chained to my hip, I’m forcing them to beat eachother into unconciousness.

The cries from the game aren’t perfect but I think it’s a far less logically problematic system.

It only makes sense if you’re a coward with no obligation not to hide in the suburbs.

“Why not provide and equip them with the tools they need to make informed, safe decisions?”

Replace any cast member of FRIENDS with Ted Cruz and the show would be the same. Jennifer Aniston included.

“He’s super skinny and scrawny. You’re being misled by the beard...”

“What Mario isn’t telling you...”

That dude might be a stone cold fox but how the fuck are we supposed to know? All I see is beard, hair product, and ink. He barely appears human. Bet he smells all musky and shit. Ugh. Why people mask their humanity to come off as more desireable is beyond me.

Is it weird that all eastern U.S. accents kind of sound the same to me? New York, New Jersey, Boston, New England, whatever. I just don’t hear the difference.

“It harms the Flawless reputation of the game for absolutely no reason. A review is not about what you think a game is , its about what a game is. Objective measures are applied.”

A part of what makes this so impressive is that she was able to convincingly render a man’s chest over over her own. She also pretty clearly gets a kick out of breaking the illusion by turning sideways, opening her eyes, and smiling.

If this was a barracks why is it stacked with corpses? Was it sacked or something? No snark intended, really.

I feel the same way about people who wear I.C.P. t-shirts.

Pathetic people who lack strength of character and real imagination generally manage their addictions poorly. Beer is there for the rest of us.