Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

Right? I was like “isn’t this just for otaku?”. And then “... how much?”.

Ahem... Do any of these older men look like Patrick Stewart?

It absolutely was.

Technically correct as usual.

Please do! It’s always nice to strike a fair compromise.

How about politically repellent flesh-golem? Neutral enough?

Shhhhhh! The furries will hear you.

No judge will take this seriously though right? This is obviously a waste of resources.

Nobody in this video is playing soccer.

It’s not as difficult to take the Baseball Furies seriously without the facepaint.

Did you have a blowout on your left lobe or are you just wearing mismatched plugs? Is that what the shadow is about?

Nobody is getting stabbed with this knife. Insecure dipshits carry them to feel safe, or to show off for other insecure dipshits.

The human body is disgusting as hell.

Is this where your misplaced rage emanates from?

I’m aware of the reference.

Sure! I mean why shouldn’t a cop be permitted to assault a dozen innocent people in order to issue a routine traffic violation? Clearly they have no respect for this officer’s bravery.

The Wasteland is the afterlife. So much to look forward to!

Developing your talent to become one of the most influential rappers of your time prior to your death helps too.

You glossed over the most important part. She can present herself however the fuck she likes. This is completely different from a bunch of dudes oversexualizing a female character to deliberately attract the attention of other horny dudes.

Those props look fantastic! Tracer’s jacket, Mercy’s wings, and cross gender Reaper! Too much awesome.