Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

I don’t see your name on this list. Give yourself some credit!


Her husband is worse by far. I can’t wait to pit these two against sentry bots in the new expansion.

I loved the survival mode in New Vegas and was crushed when I found there wasn’t anything similar in Fallout 4. This is going to make for a way more immersive experience methinks. I’m pumped!

Argh! Stahp! I have a thesis to write, and this is dissolving my will to work.

So many after school gaming sessions were dedicated to id games! Embarassingly, I was way too excited about Trent Reznor being involved in the Quake soudtrack. My friends openly resented me for it, and it took me some time to figure out why. Sigh.

Never played Heretic. I’ll need to check that out! Hexen is only $5 on Steam, but I thought it was abandonware these days, so I may have to take a look tonight. I need to play.

Reminds me of Unreal Tournament with the graphics turned down low. Those were the days. Sigh.

I’m surprised I haven’t seen more people speculating that both parties were in on it as a kind of cross promotion. That would seem consistent with internet level paranoia.

Fair point. But I feel like there’s a ton of beautiful landscape style art in the Assassin’s Creed franchise that they could have used without having to blatantly edit someone elses work.

Somehow that totally dropped off my radar. I have no idea why it got put on hold. I was pumped for the cooperative play aspect. I hoped it would be something like the split-screen mode à la Borderlands 2. My partner and I need another couch game!

Maybe it was an homage. Maybe it was a mistake.

Aesthetically, this reminds me of my one of my favourite childhood games. Now I want to play!

Damn, Daniel get the fuck off my lawn!

It’s a simple question, doctor. Would you eat the moon if it were made of ribs!?

Hilariously, hypocritically toxic.

Good to know that you advocate genital mutilation, I guess.

Thanks! That could potentially make this way more interesting. Makes me wonder if the authors of articles like these are aware of legal stragies like you mentioned.

This is what I was thinking, but I studied science and not law, so I decided to keep my questions simple.

Clarity! You da bess.