
Employing women does not mean respecting them. See every profession ever. They have always made porn by men and for men. I would argue that they would make even more money if they portrayed sex that was actually satisfying to women as well as men and be doing a public service instead of showing scenes where women

It’s not just gonzo porn - there are hundreds of testimonies of women in the porn industry about being forced or coerced into acts they didn’t agree to, or having their pain/injury ignored, or being given drugs and alcohol to be able to tolerate a scene. Even “feminist-friendly” porn sites like have this

Isn’t it terrible how the mere suggestion that a man had may have sexually abused a woman completely ruins the poor man’s life? It’s grossly unfair how much power women have.

he didn’t beat me, either, or the other 65 mil majority of the voters or whatever the count is up to now. actually I think the only people he will really “beat” will be his supporters when they get nothing they wanted and lose things they need.

He didn’t beat me. I never voted for him. You are the guy OK with the President Elect Racist.

Wait a minute, you’re saying that the person who should have had a gun stopped the bad guy? Great! That’s how it’s suppose to work.

But now he is crying about Jill Stein.

Don’t worry, I won’t let you guys forget that you voted a racist misogynist into office and although you claim you’re not a bigot or a racist, Trump being one wasn’t a dealbreaker for you. 

After he complained the system was rigged, yet came in second in the popular vote. (Let’s not forget the popular vote winner received more votes than any other candidate ever with the exception of both of Obama’s elections.)

Or maybe all you “responsible gun owners” could support sensible laws - like closing the secondary seller loop hope that lets people like that gain access. But no. Just keep being ass while the body count goes up.

Its because there is finally a huge demographic and information shift working against them. The conservative movement will shrink over the next 40 years to the point that its no longer competitive in American politics. And they all know it. Trump is their last swan song.

Schools being gun free zones aren’t to stop criminals or deter criminals. That would be absurd. Unfortunately, you’re an idiot who can’t figure out that no guns in schools is directed at the type of idiot who brings a gun into a school, bends a knee to hug his kid and accidentally shoots my kid in the chest killing

I love how the conservative argument has become “You’re never going to win because we’re all so fucking stupid that you’ll never understand us!”

It’s all about mental illness, right? And the NRA, gun lobbies and conservatives always try so, so hard to fund more resources for mental health.

Gun nuts have all the restraint of a late night Trump tweet.

Yes, because not wanting people to have unfettered access to guns is “shortsighted.”

Well yeah. Because you know he’s totally that good white guy with a gun* who is going to save us all.

I’ll just quote you: “Maybe we should make shooting people illegal. Or make schools gun free zones. Then this will never happen again.”