


I knew she was up to no good.

Only by mentally challenged Gawker commenters.

I’m way too drunk to get caught .

I know what I’m doing tonight.

Root beer Jello sounds awful .

It me.

They meant “19th century”.

They sleep inbunkrooms, stacked like cordwood.

Welcome to Gawker.

Anyone know where Mitt Romney was last night?

Someone has to do it, dammit.

There were a number of nude scenes, but they involved Beau Bridges and another old pasty white dude, so pass. ;(

“it’s not for others to say what is going to make someone truly happy.”

You are welcome.

Pulls toxins from the body?

Don’t waste your time .

This “commercial” sucked ass the first time I saw it. This one simply reinforces the fact I’m never buying any Evol products.

I wonder if he’s choosing the best line.