
There is always something to complain about...

Awesome! This robot is definitely something I'd love to work with!

I'm guessing it's Mew's and Mewtwo's fault :/

This make me think of the movie Chronicle.

Cute, and interesting. Though to make it work, you'd need to accomodate a PLC in each part (along with a really small battery for initiations, most likely made with graphene sheets), and have all parts speak to each other, probably wirelessly, and optimally through quantum dots/diodes (or some other type of

It's worth noting that previous titles in the franchise use game-specific exclusives as a means of encouraging trading between players—so the Mewtwo stuff doesn't sound outlandish. What we don't know is if other Pokemon will also have more than one Mega evolution. However, we do know that Mega evolutions require

In my country, comics usually cost ca. 8 USD (at current currency convertion), or as much as 33-42 USD if they're imported and sold at the local comics shop. 2,99 USD would be really cheap...

Hadn't heard about this game before, but it seems very interesting, and I like the art style. Been a while since I've played a game such as this.

Wouldn't be surprised if it's a shot at the Apple TV too, what with Netflix being available on most systems and such. I mean, why not?

I assume this is one of the many main reasons that they pushed the launch of PS4 in Japan to february 2014?

Yes! That! I like your envision!

I think I've actually read that scene in the comics :)

I hear you, though I'm staying quite neutral about all this until things sort themselves out.

Would also be neat if the floor gave away and you would see that what he was sitting on was just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe have it rise up with a mechanical pedestal. Why you ask? Does there need to be a reason except "huge intimidating throne of swords"?

I don't know what the developers are thinking, but one could almost call all this DDOS-ing. I'm figuratively just shaking my head.

You are a unicorn. Don't ever change :)

I understand it's a joke, but if enough people do that....

Good luck then if you do try again. I didn't take him on the first try either. First time(s(?)) I tried, I used a more slow but versatile party setup that would survive most stuff, but quickly realized when I fought him and he put up his shield, which eventually led to him using a 1-hit K.O. on me, that I would really

You didn't have to do much leveling. I didn't do any additional at least. All I had to really do was to have everyone be a Ravager (switch once to Commando to slow down the Break gauge) and just hammer through until shield breaks, then he was done off quickly and mercilessly with Commando, Ravager and occasional

Be brave! Calm down! Be brave! Brave! Just like Mom taught me! It all sounded so easy when Mom talked about her adventures!