Where did this chase take place? It looks like Ohio.
Where did this chase take place? It looks like Ohio.
Wasn't there another product claiming to be a keratin treatment that did EXACTLY this same thing to people's hair? I think maybe it was made by Garnier?
My policy is to freely distribute candy to anyone regardless of age, as long as they're in costume. No costume, GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN.
The Creation Museum is AMAZING. AMAZING. My boyfriend has some family near there and a few years ago we were visiting and decided to get blazed and visit the Creation Museum. You know, as one does. I have no regrets.
I....can't. Cauliflower is the devil's vegetable. There's an extremely fancy restaurant on Longboat Key in Florida, where my aunt's rich husband has a condo, and they're "known" for their cauliflower mash. The first time I went there I was all excited, eager to taste this delicious concoction which would, in my mind,…
I've never had anyone tell me a particularly crazy lie, but my best friend dated a guy for almost five years who had an Anthony Weiner-style dick pic problem. Every once in awhile they'd have a huge fight about something and she'd be really upset for awhile, but she would never tell me what the fights were about.…
Obviously she wins. Both for her pure evil AND her amazing black and purple satin dress.
I don't know. I was totally disappointed in it. I watched Season 1 and not only did it NOT scare me, I thought it was boring and confusing. I didn't bother with Season 2. These new opening credits do nothing for me. It just isn't scary.
Fuck both of these horrible people.
Wait, wait. All the Rachel's I've ever seen contained roast turkey as the primary meat substance.
Fact: Lucky's Cafe in Tremont, OH (suburb of Cleveland) has THE BEST GODDAMN RUEBEN IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. I've eaten a lot of Ruebens, all across the spectrum, from the most pitiful cheap deli offering all the way up to some homemade gourmet shit, and Lucky's Rueben is the best. The best ever. Real Talk.
Fucking THANK YOU for the Harold Bloom shit. I think that a lot of people who like to shit on Stephen King and dismiss him as a hack have probably not read very much of his stuff. This includes Harold Bloom. Yeah, at lot of his most popular horror novels are kinda pulpy, but that's how they're SUPPOSED to be. There…
Yes! My boyfriend does it and it drives me CRAAAAAZY!!! Like, you don't need to call the lawn guy "Sir." You don't need to call the bank teller "Ma'am." You're not a servant. It annoys the crap out of me.
I think this is great! I was a total tomboy as a kid and I hated girly pink stuff. It's really, really easy to find basic clothes for little boys, but the second you turn to the girl's section everything becomes pink and glittery and frilly.
What the hell is up with the theme song to Dawson's Creek being CHANGED on Netflix?? I mean what the fuck? How? Why? SOMEONE GIVE ME AN EXPLANATION.
Lol was it my grandma? Sounds like her.
No Ad! I live in Florida and I have fair skin and I burn really easily, and No Ad is the best. It's a little on the greasy side, but if you're going to be outside at the beach or pool that shit does. not. come. off. I use the active sport super whatever, I can't remember exactly what it's called but the bottle is…
Oh my god, my mom does this same thing to me!! Sometimes I'll get on to Facebook and I'll have like, 17 notifications, and they will ALL be my mom! She'll go through and comment on every. single. photo. I upload, every status, she'll comment on things I post on OTHER people's walls, etc. It's ridiculous. I've tried to…
Oh, holy. Shit. That dude is a psycho, and you definitely, absolutely definitely, need to tell this poor woman he's married. I mean, I guess there's a slim chance she already knows/doesn't/care/they have an "arrangement" or whatever but honestly, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a big lying…
Well, after all, he is Bill.....zlbub. Billzlbub. Beezlebub.