Malcolm Bricklorean

I want to hope that the Supreme Court Judges appointed by Trump will someday go down in history as lesser than all other SCOTUS Justices. Always tainted by who nominated them, pariahs for accepting the nomination, and monsters for making their children pose for a picture next to evil snivelling moron.

Sinclair Network -

Countdown to Trump bringing up Pearl Harbour.  3, 2, 1...

You have to read stuff to remember stuff...and well, you know.

Better be American made cages! MAGA!

Dime-a-dozen, and pretty wheezy, V8 is pretty boring compared to something that is rare and completely different, and also wheezy.

If you can find a mint turbo-diesel, yes.  In all other cases, no.

Potential tourists to the US this summer should be wary of the Trump regime taking your children as ‘leverage’. Those Canadian kids with their fancy milk should watch out. You think you are headed to Old Orchard Beach with Mom and Dad, then BOOM! You’re in kid-Gitmo.

I’m sad to see here go as my dream of watching her nose start to bleed while she is telling a massive lie is now lost.

Stepping down from what? Neither of them actually did their job.

I’m pretty much convinced that even God hates America now.

No need to fill American country club prisons with German businessmen. Bob Mueller needs that space!

DJT - This Senator who opposed my dangerously unqualified VA Secretary nominee is dangerously unqualified for his job....and I know dangerously unqualified.

Dolly Sprint!

Isn’t that Rex Tillerson?

I can appreciate where Sarah was going with this, but I think it would be even more effective if they had photoshopped in Roy Cohn, Jesus Christ, Dale Earnhardt, and a muppet.

I want to see her nose start bleeding as she spews her nonsense.

I’m sure Republicans will be fine if this is a white bastard baby...but what if it isn’t?

This is like a new scientific discovery. There is potentially now a sub-Tiffany-class of Trump offspring.