
The thing is, I don't know if Jane is ever "unfeminine".  She's just, it seems, largely ambivalent to the whole gender thing.  Whereas people like Rivera weaponize it, in a way, only for it to bite them in the ass like when the rest of her Robbery squad blew her off at the end of "Bitch".

Or that she just spends too much time at the range?

There are supermarkets in New York City?  Whaaaa?

Gerety was playing around with a slight Irish accent last episode, wasn't he?  Also, Desmond and Jane are stated to be Irish American somewhere, so there ya go.

My guess?  They did just fine.  It's just that the Shannons, and Jim in particular, just give off an aura of incompetence wherever they go, which makes everybody in the usual chain of command completely forget to show initiative.  It's part of their Designated Heroes(TM) schtick.

Kinda, yes.  Park really can't become MORE of an Awkward Asian Female Stereotype.  And she's a doctor.  The child of immigrants, who came to America with nary a hundred dollars to their name.  Has a charity complex.  They can't play this much straighter without it snapping.  Whee.

That's why I said it's a SMALL colony.

That's a terrible idea.

And… in this episode, Washington continues to be awesome and completely badass.  Taylor does… leader-ish things.  Jim continues to play out every "Cowboy Cop" trope in the book, Lis and Maddie do… something boring.  Maddie's personality-free Gentleman Caller continues to make me want to shoot him in the face.  And

And here I thought Thirteen was pretty well off on her own.  Don't know why, but something about her just screamed "Rich Liberal New Yorker" to me.  Probably that she reads The New Yorker.

So basically, Michael Emerson is the only reason why we should watch this show?

Thirteen… was not idealistic.  At all.  She drugged her boss midway through Season 4 for chrissake.  Not even close.