Must be just you. There's not much reason someone who'd like Seinfeld wouldn't like Friends.
Must be just you. There's not much reason someone who'd like Seinfeld wouldn't like Friends.
Idiot gamer comments in a nutshell.
Doesn't matter of they're fake (mrbean.jpeg) it's about the look you're trying to achieve. Some people like a more complex look over just having blank, bland space there, myself included.
The problem with FFXV: It seems to be a beat-em-up and not a JRPG.
The people who respond to you? They're literally responding
But there's tons of new games still coming out for PS3, mostly great looking JRPGs!
PLEASE tell yourself and the other bloggers to stop posting Tumblr-esque SJW female woes articles. I understand you were hired to write to get dings and activity on the site, but this kind of activity, the kind of reactions that are posted by readers, is toxic, and you're collectively bringing Kotaku to a negative…
The truth is "awful shit" sometimes; and somebody's got to say it. On another point, just because something is a repeatable, observable, measurable fact, doesn't mean it's racist. Get that straight.
"Jackie Chan must save his son from execution by the corrupt Chinese police force, who has darker motives in mind." This is a blockbuster martial arts action flick in the making.
So many idiots. Kotaku commenters are 1 notch above the squawking scum on Tumblr. Actually, I wish Kinja could deny your registration if the email is tied to a Tumblr account. So many idiots in this thread, squabbling over nothing.
Sometimes I honest to god think the internet just makes this shit up from time to time to stir up discussion and hits.
Step 1: Don't be a dick to your teammates.
I seem to remember kicking and getting this coin back in the late 90s. You know, before YouTube and high speed Internet and huge online communities to tell about it.....
Thank you. I hate that people actually even Acknowledge headphones that cost more than a couple dozen bucks. They're only ever Marginally "better" than ones that cost a decent price anyway.
Thank you. I hate that people actually even Acknowledge headphones that cost more than a couple dozen bucks. They're…
Kotaku commenters suck the life out of everything. I dunno why I read down past the articles anymore, lol.
News flash! Kotaku is an interesting games/geek blog, not strictly a news aggregation resource. youmustbenewhere.jpeg
Incoming obligatory XIII haters in 3... 2...
Now split the keyboard, and put it to both my sides on the bed, and I'm sold. :)