M'aiq the liar

Me too! I'm TOO stoked for it! Halo 2 holds the best memories for me, from the breathtaking campaign, to local 4-player split-screen customs with my cousins and little brother, to exciting online multiplayer community, including Tower of Power and the original Zombies. Halo 2 Anniversary will be nothing short of a

troll alert. Don't feed.

How To Beat 400 Games In 4.5 Years:

Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion. Shut the fuck up and go play not Xbox.

The butthurt in OP is so strong. IIIII take it you probly just took dicks in every multiplayer match. IIIII take it you don't know a fun game when you play one. IIIII take it you can name another Halo with more extensive Firefight mode? IIIII take it you're probably in your teens/super early 20s and haven't let go of

Tumblr fatties are so hilarious. XD

2014 the year of scarves.

Arabicize Pokémon PLEASE!

You must be the life of the party.

"People reacting like it's the second coming of Christ."

Well, technically, this is BETTER than the second coming of Christ could EVER be...

Now Rare remake Perfect Dark. None of that Zero crap. :)

Ciel is french for Sky, as in Japanese rock band le'Arc-en-Ciel, "Rainbow". But I agree, it all sounds made up and mashed together


Baby steps. This is likely just a proof of concept. They'll get there. :) But don't expect perfect results without running Google Fiber or at least a high-end internet package.


My favorite. Particularly because Goldeneye 64 is so close to my heart

How many damn animes are we gonna have about being trapped on an MMO?

Well it came from the mouth of Buddha, after all.

"I don't want to change how my armor looks, so this feature should not exist," is all I hear. Just because you love showing off max level armor (in a game where the majority of players are at the level cap anyway, by the way) doesn't mean other people shouldn't have that option. Maybe, Just Maybe, you'd be more

Great now we get Farmville and Candy Crush shovelware for O.R. and they'll probably fine the actual serious developers of AAA products a ton to license the technology. -.-