Jean Mahfouz

I say this as an extremely liberal person who will gladly take a big steaming shit on MAGAts every chance I get:

There’s a bit of “both sides” business in the comments that I want to address.

Love Alex Garland. Everything he’s ever worked on has been an experience and thought provoking. Excited to see his latest

It’s just that a lot of these trolls are happy to use their real names anyway.  They’re not scared.  

The Rock has carny running through his blood, the feud with Diesel could have been complete or partial kayfabe, we’ll never really know.

An actor? Pretending to be nice, when he knows everyone is watching?

Didn’t he have a massive estate worth tens of millions with a statue of himself inside? I think it’s safe to say the humbleness was only an act. 

100%. I can’t bring myself to be interested in any of the spin offs. I watched the show and it’s done now. I can say I enjoyed GoT but on the whole it was just too frustrating a watch to do again. And despite its problems, the story is done and resolved. I don’t need to relive the reign of the Targaryens or anything

What I don’t understand is in a world where GRR Martin is a household name, superheroes movies have dominated the big and small screen and even dark superhero takes have found success,   How the hell have we not gotten a Wild Cards adaption yet 

Now playing

You watched The Expanse? The funniest fucking thing about that is that it was based on an epic novel series based on a tabletop written by George RR Martin’s assistants that they wrote and created and finished all while Martin was still fucking around with Game of Thrones books. 

Is this the ep where Paul tells the story about Sly wanting to be credited as a co-author on a book he didn’t write, just because he was involved with the movie adaptation of the book?

If that isn’t evidence of war crimes being committed on the regular, I don’t know what is.

That is the second tragedy in all of this. The need for new trials but knowing they will never happen.

Exactly. Either they were told the kill anything - literally anything - that moves once they entered Gaza, or they’re the product of a society and culture that’s honed them to kill Palestinians on sight. Or, more likely: both.

Sure buddy, if only Hamas released a few more hostages, Israel will dial back the genocide it has spent decades building up to.

Hey, now: it could also mean that the trigger-happy IDF has shot/bombed the hostages already!

Lol genocide supporter

What in the hell is going on with his “hair” here?

Elon Musk being a hypocrite?! I am shocked I say, SHOCKED!