Jean Mahfouz

Good! Anyone who supports Israel’s genocide can burn in eternal fire.

aid workers, journalists (and their families), doctors, etc.

Boy, was that a labored false equivalence.

Wow, you got me good.

Hey so, you’re like a real stupid asshole huh?

Dying Gazans Criticized for Not Using Last Words to Condemn Hamas

Yes, all those celebrity Palestinians we can all name.  Why haven’t they spoken out, since they are, of course, so famous?

I love when people forget the sequence of events in a way that immeditely exposes their biases.

I never would have guessed you were really a troll after that first comment.

Hey, go fuck yourself. Thanks!

My children’s previous pediatrician outed herself as an anti-vaxxer which was an immediate deal breaker for me

I wonder if this is the worst take we'll see in the comments. It's a strong contender

It’s weird that saying “30,000 dead, many of them civilians, is a bad thing, and maybe we shouldn’t indiscriminately kill aid workers” is considered controversial by some people.

It’s so weird to say Reuters is lying instead of like reporting false or misleading information or not doing their due diligence. It’s like he thinks Reuters is a guy just pushing out headlines about whatever he feels like is happening.

It was a good speech, but not really worth sitting through the Oscars for. However, it also wasn’t some huge screed against Israel like some fundies want to make it seem like, it was basically the line noted in the article spoken by a Jewish director of a film about the Holocaust. Because of that they had to take

they’re probably too busy starving to hop on a podcast and talk about it

If Musk is talking, then he’s lying.

Genocide step 1: dehumanize your target.

That’s amazing. It’s not even like Larry David remotely tries to hide it. He has openly mocked conservatives in recent seasons and included storylines about liberal charity events for no reason other than that’s what he spent time doing IRL in the earlier seasons. That’s why basing your entire identity around being