Jean Mahfouz

Last thing I saw him in was the Deadwood movie, in a very small part.

No need to guess: that’s definitely Jones’ face on the crystal headst...head-crystal.

Eh, his stand up isn’t bad. Dude’s output has just been overwhelmed by his sexcapades, which is what it is.

Now playing

Troy Duffy is the grandmaster of the self own. If you haven’t already, you MUST watch the documentary on his rise and fall - Overnight. It’s the best documentary ever made about Hollywood.

Did they remember the price has to be small too?

It really is just about stealth layoffs. All those people you told could work from hundreds of miles away? They’re not likely to uproot their entire lives just to return to the office, what a shame.

Definitely part of it.

The fundamental difference I see between WFH advocates and those who want everybody forced to physically come in is that the former generally don’t care where anybody works because it doesn’t impact them either way. Want to come into the office? Great! Want to work from home? Great! Want to work from a coffee shop?

It’d bother me less if the dipshits would simply realize/concede that this “push” is a simultaneous boon to the commercial real estate industry and justification for dipshitted companies wasting overhead on unnecessary office space via long-term contracts.

My company has probably hired 100+ people nationwide because their company required a return to office. A few awesome people on my team because of it. My tinfoil hat theory is that some RTO mandates like this double as a chance to reduce the workforce without having to announce layoffs.

I think this is another way to get people to leave their jobs voluntarily without paying severance. Dell went through a serious RIF recently and this new policy is an extension of that.

“Oh, remote was miserable for me! I couldn’t spend minutes talking to co-workers throughout the day, and I wasn’t able to get through my podcast backlog because I wasn’t languishing in traffic!”

In other words, you wanted him to make a puff piece about Elon right?

Elon was not DL’s boss. They had an agreement to publish the show on X before other platforms, for which DL was being paid. That’s why Elon doesn’t own the interview and can’t stop it from being published. Elon is a purported “genius” and one of the world’s richest men. He should be able to answer a few questions.

Don’t forget that Musk fired an employee over Twitter, revealed that that employee had a disability, and gloated about humiliating him over it, before his lawyers got ahold of him and had him issue an apology so he didn’t get sued over all sorts of labor and HIPAA breaches. The man is about as petty as it gets.

Musk: “I’m criticized constantly. I could care less.”

I’m a much bigger Star Trek fan than Star Wars, but Roddenberry was problematic as hell and shouldn’t be remembered half as fondly as he is.

Huge respect to Roddenberry for kicking off Star Trek. But TNG didn’t get really good until they kicked Roddenberry to the curb, so I don’t see his “vision” as necessarily being all that great. And, by all accounts, he didn’t like Wrath of Khan, so his tastes are questionable.

They were mind-controlled, though. The idea that both were being violated by omnipotent jerks is explicit in the episode, and pretty consistent with Roddenberry’s Rules.

I love Star Trek but it feels like every time I read about one of Roddenberry’s rules or complaints about TNG they’re dumb as hell.