Jean Mahfouz

“This comment has too many likes.” - Prognosis Negative, 3/16/24 4:12 am

Just gonna leave this here.

Johnny’s not gonna fuck you bro

Depp apologists and the woman-hating “how dare she not raise this 20 years ago when it happened and never be hired in Hollywood again!” guys.

“how brave of this person to sit on the story”

Anyone who hasn’t yet been convinced that Depp is a douchbag isn’t gonna be swayed by this one.

Come on Depp apologists, come on and make your comments. You’re totally not just misogynists, you’re fighting for a valiant cause, like a knight in the crusades or a WW2 fighter pilot.

Hey Ted, do you wanna, like, say something here?”

I didn’t say that.

Which would be fine if the far left and the far right had equal amounts of influence, but only one of them has control over a one of our two major political parties. 

Between the far left and the far right, only one is Nazi adjacent.

Okay, I was going to let this go because you’re obviously trolling at this point, but...I’ve simply got to know how you landed on the second part of your comment. That’s a fascinating leap.

It’s interesting reading pop culture by people who were five when the Prequels came out. That means when the kids who were five to ten when the Sequels came out will be writing thinkpieces in another decade or so about how The Rise of Skywalker is actually the best of the nine main films.

You think AV Club has any idea by this point? They are basically just throwing (misspelled, unedited, inaccurate, lazy) s**t at the wall and seeing what sticks. Smirking snarkiness is just their default, except it is now completely unearned with this current iteration of the site. It seems like their strategy is to

The prequel trilogy is as despised as it always was by the people that despised it. The difference is that the opinions of 8 year olds who loved the movie at the time didn’t count and now they’re in their 30s and are counted as part of the conversation. I would guess the number of adults who saw it in theaters and

No, the prequels haven’t been “normalized” or redeemed. Showing them on regular cable a lot doesn’t make them better. Excusing them as “children’s films” or pointing out that Rise of Skywalker is worse doesn’t make them better or justify their low quality.

You are sentient dog excrement.

What a shit ass thing to say

Fucking crybaby. Still blows me away that so many Americans who claim themselves to be “Patriots” will vote for that piece of shit. It’d all be absolutely hilarious if it wasn’t also so horrific that he is their nominee.

MIRACLE WORKERS, too, I believe.