Jean Mahfouz

American Horror Story has been doing that for 12 yrs. 

Not at all. Due to the retrocomputation of binary terraneutrons, maintaining real-time Likes and Dislikes defrags the quantum picobytes in a counter-dynamic flow that...


I am once again shocked that the entertainment industry, of all places, is a refuge for scumbags and fuckups. How can this keep happening!?

honestly this is kinda average stuff for a comedian

I dunno if he got an “insultingly light sentence”. He took the plea deal and got 6 months of probation. She didn’t and is looking at a max of 18 months jailtime. The difference between those two outcomes is partially because she’s more responsible, but mostly because she decided not to take the plea.

Not gonna lie.

I am hoping this will serve as a deterrent to beginner armorers taking jobs they are unqualified for and give them the backbone to say “No!” to unsafe requests.

I think Karamo is a real mixed bag, but I will also admit that I have healthy dose of skepticism around social workers trying to be therapists. And that’s what I see him trying to do a lot of the time. Sometimes I think he has good conversations. Sometimes I think he lets people off the hook with regard to being

I mean lets be clear here. Steve Jobs was a piece of shit that abused the hell out of his employees.

HAHA, done the exact same thing a couple times now thanks to the weird glitchiness of the infinite scroll/dynamic content loading.

It’s that Barsanti’s not good at it.

It’s because “Marvel bad” is easy ragebait, and has been since the Scorcese thing kicked off.

I agree except for the 9/11 thing. I’d also bring that up at every opportunity. It’s just so hilariously childish and embarrassing. It’s not like Whalberg is a good dude.

a genuine narrative feat tying together 23 movies over an 11 year stretch”

Boy, you really couldn’t wait to just stand up and out yourself as part of the problem, could you.

Yeah, because acting like a drunk 12 year old when someone makes something you don’t like is totally normal and healthy./s

Are you a child? As someone who spends all their time creating shit (as well as critiquing the creative works of others), the idea that someone who has never and will never create anything that gets put out in front of people to be judged feels entitled to talk shit to people who do is ridiculous.

Yeah, gamer bros like you should go fuck off.

He’s not wrong, but I feel as though the issue isn’t that the loudest assholes forget that these are people, it’s that they’re assholes and they just don’t care.