Jean Mahfouz

Agreed. One of my favorite moments from that saga

The whole point of conservativism is to be deliberately culturally-illiterate. It’s about preserving a cultural mode that, by definition, no longer exists. 

Cultural illiteracy, historical illiteracy, illiteracy illiteracy - veneration of illiteracy and of ignorance is right out front with conservatives. Why do you think they’ve been destroying public education from within for the past 45 years or so? It’s right out front with them, going all the way back to Adam and Eve,

Star Trek got Roddenberry accused of being a freaking communist in the 60s, and still conservatives just don’t see it.

I know that you’re Israeli or at Jewish but you need to stop conflating the issue. This isn’t about supporting Hamas or terrorism, it’s about stoping the wholesale slaughter of people in general and giving the Palestinians back their land. If someone stole your land you too would be livid.

Hamas won a majority of seats but only 44% of the votes. Then they started killing of Fatah members and turned Gaza into a dictatorship, which it is today.

You say they’re doing “everything possible”, but then follow that with a statement implying that more could be done.

so this guy was successful in getting a former employer to pay him unpaid royalties and now he’s outing himself as a supporter of a criminal organization headed by a guy who has a long history of not paying the people that do work for him

No you just proved your Bigotry and willingness to ignore what Bibi is doing

And we should believe the IDF? The same IDF that murders journalists and lies about it?

“a few bad apples”

When was the last election?

This is stupid ass bait and you should get your star taken away

“There’s too much division” says the guy who wants to restrict the definition of “family.”

Pretty much all so-called pro-Palestinian rallies really are conducted by people with anti-genocide leaning. It’s troubling to think that that ticks some people off.

If I did that to a cop car, every other cop would dogpile me instantly and I’d probably still be in jail.

If the goal is to have the vehicles moved from where they are, what is the purpose of slashing the tires, other than to simply be a dick?

Sounds like a textbook case of cops following their training to issue confusing commands and deploy questionable tactics.

I have yet to meet any normal person who continues to throw the word “woke” around. 

So the guy is a walking internet troll desperate for attention. They should have immediately threw him out and denied him what he was seeking.