
Somebody has been watching "An Idiot Abroad".

If it's a tip of the hat to the GTA it will be a coupe.

I have an Australian Cattle Dog and he will herd the buhjeebus out of just about anything.

@CJinSD: Indeed. They are massive.

Inboard drum brakes. Instant WIN.

These kind of bulbs have been around for a long time. Usually you find them with the Virgin Mary inside for much, much cheaper than $65 (and yes I know it's a KAWS thing and it's still a rip-off). I'm sure they cost about .25 cents to make in China. $10 would be reasonable.

Moto Czysz all way.


Uh, any of the three Alfa Romeo BATs.

@mkirkland: I'm not in the camp that says funded research is bad, nor that all chemicals are horrible. Never have been. I'm in the camp that states flawed research causes far more problems than solutions. You have to question the timing, the methods and where the funding came from...which is Bayer. We know how upright

Pretty good looking EV. I like the ripped off Aston grill. But...

Yes my beautiful ladies, drink up, fly forth and find the Bayer execs. Terminate with extreme prejudice!

@Dented: Yes, while we don't know (I'm beekeeper), the leading theory has been that it is a combination of factors killing them off. They are our canaries and are telling us something is f*cked up. Bumblebees are in sharp decline as well.

@mkirkland: That was flawed research done by a crooked scientist working for a pharm company who stood to make millions off the results of his study. It's been debunked.

@Scopi: That is exactly right.

@Scopi: Keep in mind that bees travel up to 8 miles round trip in search of forage. During this time they co-mingle with honeybees from other hives thus spreading anything they've picked up. And honeybees from different hives will feed on the same forage. They are considered a vector insect. Varroa destructor is

If the cops want to look at photos of my taint then go right ahead.