
Please leave the car reporting to Jalopnik. This article is dead wrong and the author clearly knows nothing about how cars work.

I'm a fan of Audiogalaxy. It's simple, I have access to all the music on my home computer and it works well.

@magista: I meant "great". Ugh.

@Ninety: Oooh! Nice. Create composer that Dvorak.

@magista: Argh! Image posting fail.

We all know what they end up finding in the ice.

Just pop off a couple keys on their keyboard and switch 'em around. This works best for folks who have to look at their keyboard to type. Drives 'em mad.

That would be sweet for some nasty Muay Thai kicks. Ker-SNAP!

@maxtoid: I like the cut of your jib.

It should read:

I will need about 90,000 of those little tracking devices for my bees. It would be awesome to know where they are going during the day.

That ain't no fighting stick. THIS is a fighting stick:


That is a beauty! I love the heat exchange tubes. Smart design, negates the use of an electric fan.

"Hilton will affix her mark..."

Marcel does Leonardo one better.

Weed growers have been using this method for years. This method combined with Deep Water Culture (DWC) is particularly effective.

It's called a hoax or some kind of viral ad for a new "Descent" movie. Dumb.

@phoenix_AE: Boooyah! Icy Hot Stuntaz! Haven't seen them since 1999.