
"...talked to his
 parents and friends and this wasn't his fuckin fault..." Uh, douche-nozzle, it was his fault...he was engaging in an ILLEGAL street race that result in a 17 year old girl being run over then he FLED the scene.

Nice call on the Alfa Super. Not only did it have disc brakes, all aluminum dual overhead cam engine and 5 speed gear box but it has a lower drag coefficient than a Porsche 911 from the same period. It is surprisingly roomy inside as well.

@Sapper: One of my favorite Nurburgring laps ever!

@Goondocks: Tru dat homey. Although depends on where you get it from. There are some very helpful vendors out there. I used to have mine shipped from Spain. The best stuff is from Switzerland. Cheers!

@zenpoet: European honeybees will do the same thing. I keep a few hives of Italians in my backyard and every so often a hornet will try to enter one. The honeybees form Beetron and fuck the hornet up like nobodies business.

@10_percenter: Totally. Just that little temp difference allows them to cook the evil bastards.

@Sublethalend: ...and they can sting you multiple times, unlike honeybees who can only sting once then die.

@DaveExile: Poke it with a stick! Wait, nooooooooo!

Now playing

They have harnessed the power of the sun for evil. However the honeybees do have a defense not shown here. They will ball up around the marauding hornets and cook them alive with their body heat.

The first time I saw the Aston V8 I was in Zurich on vacation. It was on Urananiastrasse near that old observatory with the Jules Verne Bar at the top.

The Straight of Hormuz? Duh. It's only been strategically valued for like the past 5 buhjillion years.

Alfa Romeo Giulia Colli Wagon.

Personally I prefer Taxi Driver era Times Square over the ultra-sterile Disney Times Square.


I will attach the monitoring system to my Cattle Dog. Then they'll see some real hooning when he goes to sheep herding class.