
@hxzero: Already happened.

I hate this kind of crap. It creates lazy, distracted and unsafe drivers. How about just driving your damn car and paying attention? Drivers need to be more connected to the road not disconnected. It's a false sense of security and cannot replace basic driving skills. Oh and another thing; learn how to check your own

Bow to our Bacteria Overlords!

Ah, good old Stinkhorns. One of my personal favorites is Mutinus Elegans, or as I like to refer to it; "Doggie Lipstick".

@countjackula: Great movie and even better soundtrack.

@batholith.saltoro: Probably. I found it on the Swiss Montreal site. It's been around...

I've always loved that photo. My other favorite is this one. Freakin' sweeeet!

@RogueDirewolf: ...and people in Seattle still attempt to drive their cars up and down the hills when this happens...every freakin' year...

@magista: Here is one of my favorite photos of the eruption, for a variety of reasons.

@StuckXJ: That's exactly what popped into my mind when I first saw it.

@beetlemier: At about 8:00 am we felt slight movement in the house and the lights began swaying. We stepped outside and saw what looked like a giant ashy mushroom cloud. I was 10 years old.

It kinda looks like a Porsche Panamera and a PT Cruiser rubbed their nasty bits together and this thing plopped out.

@magista: Oops, I meant "LIVED".

Try this one. It gives you a better idea of the size of the blast and ash cloud. I loved about 45 miles away from the mountain when it happened. We watched houses being washed down the Cowlitz river.

Am I missing something? Why is it terrifying?