
Sort of interesting...but...

@crashfrog: Uh. You just made my brain hurt a little. In a good way of course.

@snap_understeer_ftw: Agreed. The Diavel is a hideous beast that should have never been allowed to be carried to term.

I'm just gonna stuff a big old latex dong down my pants, refuse the body scanner then let the TSA goons rub my junk all they want. "Ooooh, yeaah, little to the left...ugggnnngghhh..."

@Steve Williams: Really? Number #2? Blah, I'm 0-2. I was at work, no volume. I will now shut my yapper because I am clearly no UFO debunker.

Tube meat is always a WIN!

@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: Yes, you are correct...they are at the bottom and longer/thinner. Hrmmm...weirdness. The thing moves with the plane and is in front of the clouds. A reflection perhaps?

Regarding the one from the airplane time you fly look at the window closely. You'll notice that there are two panes of acrylic/glass/whatever. You'll note that in one of the pieces there is always a small hole (not sure what the purpose is but it's there). That is what you are seeing. It's obvious.

I would be way more concerned about leaving a burner on than the stove, which as someone previously pointed out, is designed to be left on.

Hahahahaha! Good work SF. Idiots.


@The8thDwarf: Why that would be Gustav Holst's The Planets of course.

@maythetechbewithyou: Depends on if you use nylon or plastic picks and this thickness. In a pinch these picks will work just fine...picks aren't generally made with super space aged quality materials.

My picks always end up disappearing in the washing machine which leaves me scrambling every Friday night as I leave for band practice.

@Skreenname: It's really because it works and dedicated communication devices for people with disabilities are very expensive. For example, I work with a family who is currently trying to get insurance to help them pay for a $20,000 system for their severely disabled child. The cost is astronomical.

@Ryan: Spot on. I work in the field and when the iPad came out we immediately thought of it's use as a communication device. Even an iPod Touch would work depending on the persons disability. Both these devices are much cheaper than the current overpriced dedicated offerings.