
1. Wider tires are not always better.

$300 is cheap insurance for keeping your Desmodicci engine from not grenading. I doubt you'd want to be sitting on that bike when a piston lets loose.

Yes, I know it's "Evil Week" but hypothetically if I saw someone creeping around the tires of any of my vehicles with this thing...I might, hypothetically, kick their ass. Plus it won't work because of the pressure differential.

OMG! Marshall headphones!

@GTBruiser: Very nice! I have never seen that before.

@Bimmerjared: No mustache ride but I would like a liter of cola.

I have always loved this movie! Naked Laser Indian Spirit Battle! Does not get any better.

They were on their way to rumble with the Man-Apes!

@magista: Actually, that I really look at them...the 8v and 1800 do share lines.

I think the FIATs Doppleganger is the Alfa Giulietta SS, not the P-1800.

The horror!

@verdegrrl: I have an '08 SportClassic Sport 1000 in black of course. The MVs are gorgeous bikes. If I could I most certainly would.

@verdegrrl: Ah yes, the old black electrical tape fix. I've used it myself.

WAR Platypus!

@leftatmars: They are preparing for war against the combined might of the Russian Man-Ape army and Yeti hoardes!

In the words of Nina Hagen, "THE U.F.O DID IT! THE U.F.O. DID IT! THE U.F.O DID IT!"

It this simple? Yup. Does it work? Yup. Do I have to spend a bunch of time messing with it to work? Nope.

I prefer the Max Ernst version.

@twiner: Bees do not "go insane." The first poster was correct. They leave the colony when sick/unhealthy to protect the colony. I have bees. I watch this happen. They will also physically remove sick or unhealthy bees and toss them over the side.