Steve Canyon

Well, that’s fucking stupid.

STFU, racist.

Fuck off, Finger.


No, we don’t “all know the story by now", and in fact I don't know who the fuck any of these people are.

So fucking what?

Someone needs to interview some of those involved in the True Detective shoot because there was some serious harassment going on from crew and male background actors, so much so that some friends of mine who worked that shoot refused to return for their third day of shooting.

What the world needs now is more shitty dance ‘music’, and I'm sure he will succeed to stratospheric heights producing that sort of utter shit.

Wow. In two generations, we’re becoming Nazi Germany. If this assclown gets elected, the turn is certain.

Enjoy it for the very brief time that it lasts, kiddies.

The stupidity of this sexism/misogyny aside, she is actually a perfectly attractive person.

Well, this must be a chart exclusive to America since even McDonald’s sells beer in many places around the world.

We want to help them to improve conditions for themselves and raise standards for the sport,” said Chris Griswold of the Teamsters Local 986 in a statement.

It was a stupid fucking question, and he was right to be annoyed.

This seems like a massive troll post, Wong.

On Gawker sites, you bet.

You stink of drooling, conservative, thoughtlessness and hate.

What a fucking stupid (and ugly) thing this is.

Can we stop paying attention to her now? Please?

Well, that video and song sucked.