Magaryan Mazada of West Central Glendale

Be Amazed, Albert, as I am too with these articles. Here’s my situation: I work with 5 other people, 1 of them if I never talked to again my life would be better, 2 I don’t care if I talk to them again, and the other 2 I would like to think we would be friends outside of work. That’s over half that I’d PREFER not to

Or - be an adult, know how much booze you can handle and exit when you feel like it. Unless you totally despise all the people you work with (and if you do, I’m truly sorry for you) it should be a good 2-3 hour event.
Exit when you want using the excuse “I want to leave” and everyone who can’t get with that can get

I so wish I could teach my wife the goodbyes of my people. EVERY event (and with our jobs, there are at least 2 a week) she has to make the rounds at least once. Doesn’t matter if she just called that chick a bitch, gotta say goodbye 5 times and say how great it was to see them. But it wasn’t Judy, it wasn’t nice to

Shoot, my small office does an outing at Christmas, booze and food paid for.
Granted, we are under a dozen people, small town and know each other’s sig other. Very small potential for a problem. 

Congratulations, you summarized the article in a couple of sentences.

What email service do you use? In Outlook, which I assume from experience more than not use, it is right there with reply all. It’s not “default” but it’s very easy to do. 

My boss is the queen of thanks or otherwise unnecessary email. Her theory is that since they took the time to write the email, they deserve a reply of some sort.
My theory is that if I can save them the 5 seconds it takes to read the thanks email I improved their life. But I do make sure every email from her get’s a

He wasn’t “talking about her”, he acknowledged the breakup as it was a huge pop culture thing.
That’s also something SNL does, makes fun of pop culture things. ALSO you are correct that SNL is a sketch comedy show. But the segment their relationship was mentioned was the non-sketch part of the show. The part where

God forbid a man lives his life how he wants, seemingly not hurting anyone and all. 

While peeing himself is a possible answer, I would believe it is sweat. Why? BECAUSE I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. It’s weird, off putting and makes you check to make sure you DIDN’T pee yourself. It sucks. 

My guess is very bad. Dude more or less told a story you would tell at a funeral. My money is on stroke.
A concussion, it’d probably be a funny story/car wreck and not that huge of a deal to bring up.
He COULD have been in a car wreck and otherwise debilitated, but it doesn’t feel like that.
And his Twitter has been

Jesus dude, just stop watching it. No one is forcing you.

Yep, this is what I’ve been saying for the last few years. Caused quite a few problems with the in laws. Wife is of the opinion “just let them speak how they want, no big deal” and I am of the opinion that if you don’t confront outright lies you do more harm than spreading them. I’m not talking yell at everyone, after

Chelsea Bans

Oh honey, this is not amped up crazed energy.

I love playing the “My point was actually ___” game. Here we go!
It would seem the crux of your comment is that last sentence, about movies being ubiquitous and invading “every single goddamn corner of popular media.”The problem with that is that Marvel IS popular media. This is an instance of something “invading”

No, books are pages bound together. 

Hey pretentious person. Trailer was bumped back a couple days because of the funeral.

It most certainly can be turned off. 

All these precautions had to be put into place because most humans are monsters. They have zero respect for shared space. And there is also a portion that do not know how to use a urinal, apparently.