
I remember how “the next version is going to be the one that kills the iPhone!

What did Utada Hikaru ever do to deserve this?

she can’t do english song very well.”

I fully support the concept of letting Native Americans name all dinosaurs for here on out.

You’ve heard “murdered by words”, but that’s nothing compared to “murdered by Trebek’s words”.

It looks just as interesting as every other FOX’s X-Men trailer. Which means it’ll be really good or pretty awful. Glad to have a degree of certainty.

They spaced out the lyrics with a lot of extra riffing.

The complaint actually states that the ad discriminates against both men and women.

Patrick Stewart being a member of the writer’s room is very relieving.

Hell’s bells, this actually looks interesting.

They -should- do both. But it’s unrealistic to expect Hollywood to walk and chew gum at the same time when they still don’t know how to chew gum and frequently trip over their own feet as it is.

“I always sit at the back of the plane. Because I've never seen a plane back into a mountain." - Mark Lowry

Naw. You’re up against both hallway fights from Daredevil and the carousel shootout from The Punisher. It’s good, but it’s not THAT good.

Funny, upgrading to 12.0 somehow made the site faster. The only problem I have is a long-standing one where the individual sites log me out at random intervals for no reason, sometimes minutes after navigating away. Then again, I have both Intelligent Tracking Prevention and a powerful content blocker running at the

They even got the sewer-shark right. “The attention to detail is really good.”

You either die the Princess or live long enough to become the Step-Mom.

Everyone knew that one second-generation Asian-American girl from high school.

...“merely” did decently at the box office. It wasn’t a flop like some easily-excitable people would like to shriek...

Try Not to Eat It In One Sitting”

Try Not to Eat It In One Sitting”