
Retconning in the MCU still feels slightly... Inhuman.

Baddie: “-I- am the secret Skrull agent.”

“They are gay, but not for each other.”

A wild Ronan appears.

It seems like they tipped their hand a little too much. Seems she remembers things as they happen to her again in the “present”. So she’ll reach a point where she needs to remember something critical and only knows that it happened that one time she almost died. *proceeds to intentionally almost die*

This is more intense than I thought... Warner Bros. just glanced at Wonder Woman 2 and swallowed nervously.

Right? I hope that’s part of the movie’s soundtrack because I will watch it twice just to close my eyes and listen to the movie.

If it’s the video I think you’re talking about, everything I read indicated that people were pretty *shrug* about him shaving in public. It was the casual flinging of the shaving foam onto the floor and the empty seat next to him that made everyone upset.

More like “Bosley” dies, and is replaced by a new “Bosley”.

Walk. Just walk. Don’t get a cab, don’t use the MRT to go two stop. Walk. There is so much to see along the way.

Maybe it’s just me, but the visuals seem to have improved noticeably since this show was announced. The blacks are blacker, the colors are better defined, the rough edges of the animation are smoother. I think by the time this show airs it’ll be the kind of thing you buy a 4K TV for.

Poe: “BB8... You ever wonder why we’re here?”

Way back in the day, Eyes On Me (Definitive Mix) was going to appear in Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX but was cut at the last moment.

No sane person associates computer hardware correctly using the literal definitions of master and slave in reference to which piece of technology is currently in control of the other with the enslavement of human beings.

Anyone with freckles.

I have a conspiracy theory that Apple is going to make another SE. But they had to kill the 5-based design now because of the headphone jack.

XS = The iPhone X[S]

After wrongly assuming that the trailers are showing unfinished footage for the fourth or fifth time, I’m pretty sure that’s what the final product will look like, unfortunately.

God dammit, Marvel. Spend the money for animators who are actually good at their jobs!

I’m being completely serious, too. His age and look would totally work for the character of Orson Randall, he’s experienced with movies, and he specifically has kung-fu movie experience with Bruce Lee in Game of Death. It’s perfect! Someone grease the wheels and slyly get Marvel’s people and Abdul-Jabbar’s people