
It seems so far fetched, but it’s a future we keep getting closer and closer to. Eventually, everyone is going to have to accept and regard people for what they do, rather than what they look like. Because judging people by their color or bone structure will be just as futile as judging them by what color pants they

Two words: Panasonic Eneloop.

I’m more engaged by this short than two entire Pacific Rim films.

To correct your post, the comment originated with overly-offended activists, used to go after people who would say something that could be misconstrued as insensitive to people who do not follow gender norms spoken in casual conversation (whether the comment was directed at a transgendered person or not, whether they

All you need todo is add an R9K algorithm to the commenting code and just start manually banning or graying people who type gibberish after their comment. Problem solved.

One of the minifigs has to be Ice Cream Maker Man or hard pass.

Dr. Rosenrose.

“It’s a morally gray area.

“I’m no Jedi!” - Ahsoka Tano

“This is General Ourumov of the First Order, come out with your hands up!”

“Terrible” is harsh and filled with subjective memories of what we thought would happen.

Avengers IV: A New Hope

Press X to select if you are a Boy or a Girl.

From a practical standpoint, the first iMac was a bit ho hum. But it was also the computer that financially saved Apple from bankruptcy. So...

It’ll be kind of sad watching all the older CrownDeluxe and SuperDeluxe cabs get slowly replaced by that snazzy new RAV4ish design. It’s kind of alarming how quickly I’ve started seeing the news one on a daily basis.

Episode 7: Burnham Gets a Fan Dance

That is hilarious and awesome.

Filoni is most likely also heading the final season of Clone Wars, since that was his baby.

I’m completely onboard with David Filoni training an army of good Star Wars writers and just releasing them into the wild.