Dat Arm
Dat Arm
oh you bastard. you know how to get my attention. i have the very same model but it's auto.
you mean Best Movie Ever. there fixed it..
you can't really consider rusty venture a hero. more like a despicable protagonist. love him though.
That was good... I thought of this.
YES! unloved and different. will always love my ep3
that's Grammaton cleric to the likes of you.
you've got the cargo cover!!that's half the price of the car right there. should've sold it separately. these go for a small fortune. I don't even use mine on my similar condition 93 DX for fear of fiendish thieves. it sits in my garage unused.
No name or title is needed. the pic will suffice to those who visit here
Oh lord this... I was depressed for like a month. I was so depressed i had to fool a friend into watching it so he'd be depressed with me...
Feeling slighted because it's so hard for Honda to get their due for being an economy brand. Respect the EP3 civic SI and type R for being so forward thinking
looks like something out of a NIN/Trent Reznor Video. or maybe Tool?
And with that I'm done internetting for the day! Well played sir
Holy Testicle Tuesday
Really?? it looks fine on the 02-05 SI
i got an 05. 04-05 models sport 16 inch 5 lug rims stock. although it has the least powerful of the K engines i still love this car.
Sight unseen. nice price. love that it's a 510 and double love that it's a wagon.
well played sir..well played.