
I’m almost afraid to ask... but what the hell is the “Bits for tits and clits” counter in the corner of that screenshot?

New Mutants isn’t MCU, unless they retooled it heavily. It's the last X-Men movie made by Fox.

Wally returns with terrible news in the trailer for next week’s episode of The Flash, “Death of the Speed Force.”

There can be male calicos, if they have a chromosomal variation that gives them an XXY chromosomal makeup. Typically cats with this variation have some motor and cognitive disabilities.
So the proper response isn’t to misgender the cat, who is clearly described using male pronouns above, but to consider:
1 - Is this an

Would this technically make the cat intersex? No official answer from Epic, alas, but I’m going to go with the personal theory that the cat is a trans guy, because it makes me happy to think so. This is my fandom now.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve been wrong before. This one time I was absolutely POSITIVE that Keanu Reeves was in the film Sneakers. I was wrong, of course, I had him confused with Sidney Poitier.

Males can be calico, it’s just quite rare compared to females. Kind of like how most orange cats are male, but not all of them.

I’m going to dig into this development, stay tuned

Calico cats are only female. This is one buff shirtless lady cat.


They can review this thing warm...

This is literally the best show on television right now. You just want to hate it because it makes you question your beliefs, troll. Do you think a guy like Alan Moore would ever shy away from discussing race in his comics? Definitely not. This is challenging, deep, and thoughtful art that is commenting on difficult

There is no such thing as “woke culture”, it’s just people learning not to be assholes to each other.

Not as surprised as the were to find out he’s a stabby little orphan boy who keeps trying to murder Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and Scott Aukerman.

Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Yellow Dog With Cone.

What makes the MCU special is that none of it’s been rebooted. It’s what set it apart from Batman, old-school Spider-man, etc. - until recently superhero movies were mostly an endless parade of Uncle Ben and Batman’s parents being gunned down, like a macabre Groundhog Day.

Lolololol. Reboots are not dead.

I just want to respond to all of the people saying “How could this twist surprise people” with a brief story.