
It’s long been thought that Kong’s island, a remote, mountainous desert island, populated by giant lizards and terrified natives, was based on the Indonesian island of Komodo. But, as I discovered, Kong himself was based on a real person.

Or that he took over for Ford as Jack Ryan?

Or maybe something teasing the arrival of the Fantastic Four in the MCU? :)

Remember when it was considered a bad idea that this guy could play a superhero?

So, I took yesterday off to head to Rifftrax Live in Nashville with some friends, but it looks like some new shittiness is afoot. I had heard a little bit about this on Twitter, but didn’t really have a chance to look into it until this morning.

Lord knows I’ll follow him to whatever his next project is. 

Dude there’s a big difference between physical assault and words lol.. harvey Weinstein physically raped and abused actors. James Gunn wrote some distasteful tweets lol. Walt Disney company made some very controversial racist movies in the 1930's maybe we should boycott the entire company.

Chloe Bennett seems absolutely delightful and I love Daisy, but I can’t not see an image of Logan Paul screaming like a doofus in my head every time I see her or read anything about her.

I thought Milana Vayntrub was playing a live action Squirrel Girl. Is that in addition to this, or has that plan changed?

Hopefully they draw on the best of the two mini-series, which tried to do the best it could with a small budget and a good cast to stay true to the source material. And the Movie, which did well with it’s bigger budget for the day, and also a good cast, but didn’t stay true to the source much.

By 1980, Nike had attained a 50% market share in the U.S. athletic shoe market, and the company went public in December of that year.[14]

Beyond your preference of actors, are you also hoping on a more serious note that this would confirm the fan head-canon theory that the name James Bond is a pseudonym passed down by one agent to the next (which would explain the different actors who have played the role)?

Well there is a thing called green screen.....

I think we don’t know more about droids for the same reason we don’t really know everything about the Force: the creators are not terribly interested in exploring these things.

So many variations...but not this one.

What bugged me the most and then let me be bewildered for the next ten minutes of the movie: Val and Rio die during the train heist, Han makes Beckett lose the whole cargo there and when Beckett punches Han for his failure he immediately apologizes for it and all is well again.

Oh. My. God. They made a Teras Kasi reference!

The RED Hood is Jason Todd, a character from DC Comics. The Marvel Comics villain who fights Doctor Doom in this issue is Parker Robbins, aka The Hood. Come on, man.

Superman has the same problem that Deadpool originally had in Wolverine: Origins. The actor is right for the part, but no one else involved seems to understand what makes the character work.

It has bugged me when Hot Takers say Infinity War is a lazy cashing in on fan wish fulfillment. If it were that simple then Justice League would be a delight to sit through. Even with ten years of accumulated advantages, Infinity War felt like it was constantly making the most of it.