
I guess the idea is that Inhumans is completely dead as a property, so they’re going for the closest weird Bronze Age Kirby series about crazy cosmic shit.

heck when I read it out loud I get choked up...and I helped write it:-P

Honestly, am I the only person who saw”Star Wars” before it was titled “Episode IV: A New Hope” and loved it that doesn’t hate “The Last Jedi” with the white hot passion of a thousand O class stars?

I didn’t take her saying “That’s not bad” as meaning it was fake. I thought she was saying that wasn’t a bad treasure that Odin collected (as opposed to the ice weapon which she called weak). She also explicitly stated, “Most of the stuff In here is fake or weak.”

In the teaser we saw Thanos has the gauntlet with two stones and no soul stone.

I would pay a lot of money to see him direct a live action Star Wars movie...

I think only SURPRISE blockbusters launch careers usually. The Superhero movie these days has a lot in common with the disaster movies of the 70's when you cram every celeb in you can and enjoy the guaranteed box office. I’m thinking Earthquake, Airport, Towering Inferno, Poseidon Adventure - all larded up with big

Yeah, that one line just oozed Ford, especially that shit-eating smirk.

Yet. He doesn’t have to be Han Solo... yet.

*face palm*

My issues are with the script paying no attention to taking a character we know and explaining *why* they’re different - Luke just “is different now” with no credit to the audience.

Wait.... Is there a reason the picture for this article has a background from Horizon Zero Dawn? Is there an inside joke at play or is that just an accident? 

I refuse to go to any film that encourages the audience to use their phone in the theater

I think it connects fine- it just isn’t the super- emotional moment you were expecting/ wanted. Not being what you expected isn’t the same thing as ”not connecting”. It was Johnson saying “I’m well aware of the sort of thing you’re expecting and... no. Not gonna do that.”

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

We can only hope. Maybe it would have that hundred electric guitar orchestra the first attempt would have had.

I didn’t like it. I wanted to see him make friends with Larry. Larry seems nice. I wanted them to play catch in the parking lot while guarding the cars.

the current PC hellscape we live in

Im 90% sure it was Xandar as one of those planets, the architecture was a dead ringer for the Nova Corps buildings from GotG1

Bless the Maker and all His Water.