
They’re also using the word “infer” wrong.

From this, I can infer that this person is a moron.

/of course, like most reflexive corrections, when I look it up, I find that using “infer” in place of “imply” is multiple centuries old, and people have have been bitching about it for almost that entire period of time

I’m much more interested in the secret history of vapetriloquism.

The Alienist was a fantastic book. I hope it holds up well.

Buff Steve Jobs is my dad, and I love him.

That over the top rope Hurricanrana was beautiful.

Well now. I guess I know which trade I’m buying next.

I can’t get over just how Gunn managed to make 2 even better than 1. I can count the number of sequels that managed that on one hand, and still have a few fingers left over. What can I say? The guy knows what he’s doing.

You’re right, it was even better than the first one.

Christ almighty, how hard is it for DC/WB to understand that less is more, when it comes to the Joker’s “origin”???

As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a Joker...

Because both rely heavily on VR and the alternate personas of their protagonists.

For some reason all I can think is ‘Holy crap this makes me want to see a Snow Crash movie’...

Bread and circuses, my friend, bread and circuses.

And all I’ll think about are the poor souls in the London apartment fire.

Hopefully they will reconsider in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire in London.

I don’t care what anybody thinks, I love this show and can’t wait for this season to finally start.

This is some very dangerous sounding steam, such that it would annihilate us. Since it’s a huge livestreaming event, I would have thought they’d call it the Stream of Annihilation. 

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

Oh yeah! Good one.

Guardians of the Galaxy cusses: