
Man using impersonal technology to reach out to people he would otherwise never be able to communicate with due to external factors decries the use of technology to allow people to reach out to people they can otherwise never communicate with due to medical factors.

News at 11!

The show’s introduction of Talia al Ghul will apparently play a “crucial” role in the ongoing mystery surrounding antagonist Prometheus,

Note: I know very, very little about Groot beyond what has been shown in the movies.

There are few SF properties more deserving of a remake than Dune. That said, the Lynch version should be sitting on every sci-fi fan’s video shelf. It ain’t perfect but, for what it is, it’s mighty fun. Just to see Sting stretch like a cat, or Patrick Stewart be Patrick Stewart be someone else, is worth the cost

But it is a really old movie. To him, it’s more than twice his age. The dialogue seemed perfect to me—a 15 year old does not hold reverence for the same thing anyone who was alive in 1980 to see it would. It’s why the line was funny. To him, Empire Strikes Back is a goofy old movie. My daughter thinks the same thing

Maybe, but he’s been tiny in the comics a few times, so it’s not unprecedented.

Between Mr. Robot returning and the above image, my day is made forever

This is seriously the best thing to show up on the little screen since Firefly.

Star Wars is a separate thing to Marvel Now, and will be continuing.

Wow. Tom Holland really is Spider-Man.

I can’t really say too much, outside of that it will be ‘terrific!’

WHAT IF a big villain came along with power over life and death somehow... maybe in the form of a jewel inset into a gauntlet of some kind. What if all these dead villains could be brought back?

Are you talking about Alfred?

The green lady with swords does look like Gamora but her clothes look kind of normalish. Is there any chance she is She-Hulk, just with swords? She is pretty muscular looking for Gamora.

Those four *really* obscure guys on the left have been in the Deadpool: Mercs for Money book.

Chewbacca’s personality in a droid’s body. He doesn’t give a shit about what you think.

I prefer Person of Interest as a Batman-esque show.

And Phil Dunphy was supposed to be Doc Sampson.

Martin was only considered Cho in the novelization of Incredible Hulk, IIRC. As far as I can tell, Marvel hasn’t considered any of the novels and what not canon.