
Daisy is part Chinese, as is the actress who plays her.

Are you being disingenuous on purpose? In no way does the article spend a couple thousand words on it, “it” being what you highlighted. The article does explore the actual problems with the existing Marvel properties that are officially confirmed.

First, it has too few Asian characters. Second, the ones it does have are all stereotypes. And third, even those few stereotyped roles have started going to white people.

As an older brother and “player one,” this gave me some serious FEELS!!!

Diversity is a good thing. Looking at every character and seeing if they should be female seems complete crazy to me. It’s rare that the gender matters at all in games (I mean storywise, not representation),so how do you have that conversation?

He looks like the third Vaudevillain.

So, “Much like Ryan Reynolds left Marvel/New Line for Marvel/Fox, then jumped to DC/WB, and then jumped to Dark Horse/Universal, and went back to Marvel/Fox...”

Well technically Reynolds did go from Marvel to DC when he did Green Lantern after Blade III and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but with Deadpool it’s the exact opposite.

Much like Ryan Reynolds abandoned Green Lantern for Deadpool, another Marvel movie star has jumped ship to DC.

Why does Bruce Wayne look like Sterling Archer?

Hey fellow fans! Thanks for the kind words. I play Kate Bishop in this! If you want to see more Hawkeye stuff and other things I’m working on check out my facebook fan page and like it! And share Hawkeye with your friends please!

In all of our excitement, we forgot to post the time of the event! Lol

This was my thought exactly!

I think it’s meant to be!

is that Agent Preston from Deadpool (comic) in the first image saying “Dead end, Red?”

Please tell me you don’t write your own headlines.

Nope, it’s Diggle in his Magneto Cosplay hero disguise.

I was talking about this at E3 with some folks when we were all wondering if Rocksteady would be working on a Supes game. The arc of a Superman going from super to less super and back again would be a perfect fit for a game.

He’s going for a crotch grab!