
Has anyone considered that Kal’s been nerfed in order to finally make a decent Superman video game?

Dune as a Netflix or HBO series.

Maybe another commentor has said, but perhaps the second quote is meant to point is toward Glenn Close?

“Unique” is binary. Can’t be “most unique”. Try “most distinct”. Sorry, just tending to my cute little pet peeve.

I know I’m a dick for this, but “unique” is binary, something either is or isn’t unique.

Used to bring DJs into the city to play from all over and nearly every single one was amazed at how much green there was in the city. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there isn’t a prettier inland city in the country, possibly on the planet, possibly without the “inland” exception.

“even more secretive” compared to what exactly?

Supes sleeps?

Fogler, not Folger.

I was only referring to the commenter who claimed he’d won several Oscars for directing, not the actual post.

I meant that as a win, nom for nomination, nod for approval, win. Perhaps that’s not what the term means, but I meant it as a win.

Yeah, someone already corrected me. I was 100% wrong on that one.

Well, you said two of the movies he directed won Oscars.

D’oh! Yeah, you’re right.

Nope, just Argo. Gone Girl, The Town, and Gone Baby Gone got Best Supporting nominations, no winners.

To be technical Affleck has zero Oscars for directing.

Fie (rhymes with high)-gee (with a hard “g”, like a karate outfit), stress on the first syllable. I believe.

Stormtroopers in Skechers? Pass.

Aside from a few smaller games, Far Cry 4 is pretty much all I’ve played this year. Most of the way through Valley of the Yetis currently. So far it’s the closest I’ve ever come to Platinum Trophy-ing a AAA title, or 100%-ing one. (Got all the letters, propaganda posters, masks, mani wheels and journal entries.)

It’s weird that Wasp was taken off of the header image. Weirder still that her shadow on Cap’s shield remains...