
Are you referring to Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller graphic novel, or The Dark Knight, Chris Nolan movie? He's talking about the graphic novel.

Pretty sure that's a "P", but it is certainly ambiguous.

Does this remind anyone else of the Star Wars EU book where the bad guys were using trees in some government building to eavesdrop on the good guys?

James Gunn confirmed the orb contained the Power Stone in his twitter feed.

This page was loading, halfway through the Ultron Mk-1 photo it stopped, and one upon a refresh, the Avengers are nowhere to be found...

I keep seeing Marko from Saga.

Automat...waitress. Automat. Waitress. Automat waitress? This is hurting my tender brain.

Might be repeating someone, but, NOT ANY LESS LEGITIMATE THAN POKER!

Is that a Nerdist Podcast shout out in the first sentence? Enjoy your burrito indeed.

Shot-for-shot remake? Someone's gonna end up on a pedophile watchlist...

I would have been disappointed if I didn't find a picture of Dwight in this thread.


All I keep thinking is,"That's at least a couple hundred bucks worth of Lego bricks."

It's the artist that is talented, not the art.

Is T'Challa left out because Wakanda is fictional?

Came here to make this exact statement.

Oh man, I thought Kat Dennings was Noel Fielding in the thumbnail.

Apology totally accepted.

Not that I really mind too too much, but I am watching season 2 for the first time right now, about halfway through, and a spoiler warning might have been appropriate.

You were born on earth? Do you know Tim?