
I'm such an introvert that I can't even stand using social networking services. I know it isn't actually a waste of time, but it seriously feels like one every second I'm doing it. Hell, I haven't even looked at my Facebook page in... four months? Out of sight, out of mind, and when it's put back in my sight through

I know that the term "introvert" has been co-opted by folks on the internet and has become some sort of a 'badge of honor', but I can't for the life of me forget the actual definition of the word, and find it amusing to think of a person who is "turned inward" (literal and actual meaning until the last couple of

I used Mercury for awhile and loved it. It's slick and clean like Chrome but has built in Evernote features and has a great full screen mode. For some reason it synced fine with my Firefox bookmarks but when I switched to Chrome on my PC, bookmarks would not sync, so I just started using Chrome on my iPhone too. It's

I like Mercury, it's chrome like but not googilified

Hey there Bible Belt, not so pious now, are ya?

Large corporations are less ethical than most of the worst humans, so fuck 'em. Nothing a person does to a large corporation, that doesn't harm individuals "in the 99%," should be considered unethical. (On the other hand, being nice to Mom & Pop stores is generally advisable — even if only to further insubstantially

This is the most profound, beautiful, and slightly silly music video I've ever seen. Kudos CDR Hadfield! May your ammonia leak be fixed and the retros on that Soyuz provide you a safe, soft landing!

I have no doubt that NASA would have got a bit more funding if they had the forethought to send out someone as personable, entertaining, and educational as Mr. Hadfield. Happy he's coming back, but Ill miss the videos.

Actually, I'd say that for people looking for things more esoteric than this week's episode of "The Voice," Demonoid was completely accurately "rated." I have yet to find a satisfactory substitute, and hope it really is coming back. I just got this email and it sounds awesome, and awesomely sketchy, so I'll wait for

"Keeping your pet's water dish full can be a chore (especially if your pet is the large, thirsty kind)."