
Wow, you are so much smarter than Ray Kurzweil, we sure are lucky that you have chosen to enlighten us on your blog column instead of all the other important things that you could be doing.

Trump’s fans are an angry bunch, but the question is are they angry because he is telling lies and they are conservatives or is he telling the truth and they are liberals?

Or you can skip the meat and just stir fry some vegies blend up some walnut basil pesto and serve on top of the pasta for a superfood treat that won’t clog your arteries.

Phenolic is plastic. Heat resistant plastic, but plastic.

“having to season them after every use.”

Most folks I know would say that leaving the bottle unfinished is not an option.

Most folks I know would say that leaving the bottle unfinished is not an option.

Except that people care about lives more than hardware, so it becomes a contest of who is willing to cause and experience more death.

If you were willing to go with the decision of a contest without casualties, why bother with robots, when you could just have a chess game or a friendly game of poker. Cheaper faster and less mess to clean up. The sad truth is that war is the failure of civilized solutions.

Actually glider pilots (both full size and RC) have made use of ridge lift, slope soaring to keep planes up for hours using no power other than to control the planes attitude.

Especially since the minimum number of humans needed for a healthy gene pool is over 150 people. To get that many folks to Mars would be insanely expensive and take decades. On the other hand asteroid interdiction is simple by comparison.

Over 30mph cars use more energy moving the air out of the way than overcoming rolling resistance, so unless you are designing golf carts, wind resistance is the biggest factor in range for both ICE and electric cars.

Anybody over 40 who is not in the tech industry or a gadget junkie, is pretty much guaranteed to be illiterate about stuff like this. Unfortunately that is pretty much our entire government.

“Merging biology with electronics isn’t a question of if, but when”

It all comes down to gambling.

Isn’t it obvious that this is a hoax?

Don’t use soap. scrub them out with a stainless scrubby and rinse them off. Heat them up or dry them after rinsing. Don’t cook acidy things like tomato sauce in them for a long time, it eats away at the coating.

Nonstick pans are a scam. No matter how gently you treat them they are done in less than a couple of years. Cast iron on the other hand lasts forever, and gets more nonstick the more you use it.

I nearly always microwave my potatoes (add 90 sec per medium potato) before finishing them in the pan or better yet roasting in the oven. It cuts the cooking time by 2/3 and has no ill effects on texture or flavor. Just make sure you cut them after microwaving. They can get rubbery otherwise. It also works great for

I am guessing the read and write speeds is a little below the SSD’s benchmark.

Amazon has the SanDisk 1Tb for $200 every couple of weeks now.