
Youre going to need that money saved on your power bill to pay off the loan for the solar panels.

The vast majority of users are going to do a grid tied system. Unless you are going offf the grid it makes more sense to spend the extra cash on getting more panels rather than a battery, that way you can offset the cost of nighttime power usage with the money you earned from generating more than you used during the

I have two:

How about this scenario: Instead of the spinning blade being slowly being held against your flesh, how about a 3 lb drone traveling at 40mph dives at you and hits you in the eye or throat?

I used to do this when I lived in NYC, which gets sweltering in the summer. The missing ingredient is to have one or more fans blowing on you to increase the evaporation. The downside is that you have to get up a couple of times a night to re-soak the sheet.

The sun seen from Pluto is smaller than Mars or Venus seen from Earth, which is to say about the size of a medium sized star.

Exactly what function does this car have that it requires a body different than a standard golf cart? I suspect they just wanted to play with a 3d printer and local motors said sure, we can use the press.

Everytime there is a new robot with no conceivable use it is mentioned that it would be used for rescue operations. I think we could have earthquakes and building collapses single every week and it would still not justify the number of proposed “rescuebots”.

A more interesting comparison (with less predictable results) would be GoPro’s low end offering against the higher specced, lower priced monoprice camera.

You assume 2 incomes? so single mom with a couple of kids is not an option?

I don’t know anybody who outside of idiots who think he was a nutcase. He invented the geodesic dome and all the related spaceframe techniques that are used in virtually all large buildings that have large expanses without columns. From his site:

I can’t believe you forgot that ANH was released was released in 1977, the same year as the Apple II which was the machine that put Apple on the map!

Well, it has got to be cheaper to do this than to pay his employees enough to live near their work, especially if he can get govt subsidies to do it.

The fact that several articles about it have dozens if not hundreds of posts on various decent blogs make it at least worth checking out.

I remember being upset with Firefly after seeing the first couple of episodes, basically because it was not Buffy. It took 10 years for me to see it again and appreciate it’s unique charm and mourn that it only had one season (which I have watched about 4 times now).

You had to sell it to buy your pocket computer/communicator/camera/navigator/porn delivery system, which is what you really wanted after all.

Why not just get an SSD with a usb3 adapter? That is about half the price.

It might be useful to read the article before critiquing. It says very clearly in several places there is no soil, water use is a small fraction of regular farming and the amount of fertilizer is minimized because the water is reused not flushed away.